Best quotes by Harry Browne on People

Checkout quotes by Harry Browne on People

  • When people do things for you, it's because they want to - because you, in some way, give them something meaningful that makes them want to please you, not because anyone owes you anything.
    - Harry Browne
  • Some people object to libertarian ideas because there are too many irresponsible people in the world - people who will cause trouble if the government doesn't restrain them.
    - Harry Browne
  • Only free people have an incentive to be virtuous. Only people who bear the consequences of their own acts will care about those consequences and try to learn from their mistakes.
    - Harry Browne
  • There was no military reason to drop atomic bombs on Japan. They were used as terrorist weapons - killing innocent people to influence other people.
    - Harry Browne
  • Forcing people to be generous isn't humanitarian, effective, compassionate or moral. Only acts that are truly voluntary for all concerned can be truly compassionate.
    - Harry Browne
  • While most people in TV, radio, and the press have treated me wonderfully, some of the most important people want to pretend I don't exist.
    - Harry Browne