Best quotes by Emily Thornberry on People

Checkout quotes by Emily Thornberry on People

  • My European constituents are among the most politically engaged people I represent.
    - Emily Thornberry
  • The most prominent - and by far the most controversial - part of 'Help to Work' essentially forces people to take unpaid work placements as a condition of receiving their benefits.
    - Emily Thornberry
  • Allowing young people to vote for the first time while they are still at school would allow them to engage with the political process, as well as the relevant issues, with the support of teachers to help them make informed choices.
    - Emily Thornberry
  • Taxpayers' and 'people on benefits' are not two separate and distinct groups of people.
    - Emily Thornberry
  • The Alternative Vote is sectarian and self-serving and it will not improve people's lives.
    - Emily Thornberry
  • There are some very plain, very simple offences in the Fraud Act 2006 that can be applied to price manipulation. For example, there's fraud by false representation. This is aimed at people who say something misleading to line their pockets or cause financial harm to someone else.
    - Emily Thornberry
  • It has always been the case that people on out-of-work benefits have to apply for more or less any job they can reasonably be expected to take. But the operative word there is 'reasonable,' because a job that's appropriate for a single, able bodied 22-year-old man may very well not be appropriate for a single mum who can't afford childcare.
    - Emily Thornberry
  • The fact of the matter is that when governments fail - as the Tories have done - to tackle the root causes of working peoples' need for welfare support, like low pay and high rents, the number of working people relying on benefits increases.
    - Emily Thornberry