Best quotes by Michael Ignatieff on War

Checkout quotes by Michael Ignatieff on War

  • How do you keep war accountable to the American people when war becomes invisible and virtual?
    - Michael Ignatieff
  • The wars of the future will be fought by computer technicians and by lawyers and high-altitude specialists, and that may mean war will be increasingly abstract, hard to think about and hard to control.
    - Michael Ignatieff
  • Your generation and mine have had very little real experience; we've been severed from the direct experience of war by some very good things. By the end of the draft, and by the defeat in Vietnam.
    - Michael Ignatieff
  • All war aims for impunity.
    - Michael Ignatieff
  • We wanted this war and now we've got it, and I'm not sure that we know what to do with it.
    - Michael Ignatieff
  • I was with the U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on the day that Srebrenica fell, which happened to be a huge historical turning point in the Bosnian war.
    - Michael Ignatieff
  • Desert Storm created the pattern for the American way of war that eventually prevailed in Kosovo. America learned from Vietnam that unilateral use of force eventually forfeits international legitimacy and domestic support. Desert Storm demonstrated the political necessity of coalition warfare.
    - Michael Ignatieff
  • The disagreeable reality for those who believe in human rights is that there are some occasions - and Iraq may be one of them - when war is the only real remedy for regimes that live by terror.
    - Michael Ignatieff