Best quotes by Troy Polamalu on God

Checkout quotes by Troy Polamalu on God

  • My joy in my life comes from my strength in my life and in my experience with God. That cannot be separated from football. It is all the same to me. It is one. I am one with it.
    - Troy Polamalu
  • I try to be passionate about every aspect of my life, how I love my wife, how I serve my wife, how I serve God. In the same way, I try to be passionate about football. I try to serve my coaches with passion. I try to serve my teammates with passion. I try to serve God, through football, with passion.
    - Troy Polamalu
  • I think that's a struggle of every Christian, to be able to get to that point where they're in constant prayer with God - so that everything they do, in thought, in speech, in work, is praising God and worshipping God.
    - Troy Polamalu
  • A demon, in a way, is a test of your faith. Because if you're doing God's work, there's no reason for any demon to do anything to you.
    - Troy Polamalu
  • You have the women sitting on the left and the men sitting on the right. Everything is to keep your mind focused on God... To me the most beautiful thing anyone on earth can experience, other than maybe marriage and child-bearing, would be the Orthodox Liturgy.
    - Troy Polamalu