Best quotes by Gilbert Gottfried on People

Checkout quotes by Gilbert Gottfried on People

  • I've never understood people who say they're not a practicing Jew. You never hear a black guy say he's not a practicing African-American. What does it even mean?
    - Gilbert Gottfried
  • A landlord is showing a couple around an apartment. The husband looks up and says, 'Wait a minute. This apartment doesn't have a ceiling.' The landlord answers, 'That's OK. The people upstairs don't walk around that much.'
    - Gilbert Gottfried
  • I don't know if I change my act from century to century. Sometimes I'm onstage doing imitations and references to people who have been dead for 50 years.
    - Gilbert Gottfried
  • If you're a lead actor, people are just waiting to say 'you're too old' or 'you're too unhip.' If you're a supporting actor, you can just work forever.
    - Gilbert Gottfried
  • You never know what people will choose to be offended by.
    - Gilbert Gottfried
  • I'm used to explaining to people why my jokes were funny.
    - Gilbert Gottfried
  • A lot of people who claim they're political comedians are just comedians who have opinions. But they stop being funny the minute they give their opinions.
    - Gilbert Gottfried