Best quotes by David Shields on Sports

Checkout quotes by David Shields on Sports

  • When I was studying at the Iowa Writers School, I read a sports writer, Ron Maly, from the Des Moines Register. He was a good sports writer. I became real interested in the contrast between Lute Olson, who was the coach of Iowa at the time, and Ron Maly.
    - David Shields
  • Sports passion is deeply, infamously territorial: our city-state is better than your city-state because our city-state's team beat your city-state's team. My attachment to the Sonics is approximately the reverse of this.
    - David Shields
  • I'm a sucker for sports movies.
    - David Shields
  • The movie - any sports movie - becomes a praise song to life here on earth, to physical existence itself, beyond striving, beyond economic necessity.
    - David Shields
  • Sports movies are often very good at dramatizing the intersection of public and private realms: the body politic.
    - David Shields
  • I think of sports writers as mediating between two worlds. Athletes probably think of sports writers as not macho enough. And people in high culture probably think of sports writers as jocks or something. They are in an interestingly complex position in which they have to mediate the world of body and the world of words.
    - David Shields
  • A sports writer is a stylist of some kind. He is trying to convey mood and character and emotion.
    - David Shields