Best quotes by Jeb Hensarling on Government

Checkout quotes by Jeb Hensarling on Government

  • Nobody wants to shut down the government.
    - Jeb Hensarling
  • From the takeover of Detroit and the failed stimulus packages to the enactment of Obamacare, the president and congressional Democrats chose to use Americas economic crisis as an excuse to expand government rather than as an opportunity to responsibly shrink it.
    - Jeb Hensarling
  • Every time we've had a pro-growth fundamental tax reform, be it under President Reagan, President Kennedy - you can even go all the way back to President Coolidge - we have seen paychecks increase, economic growth be ignited, and, actually, more revenues come into the government.
    - Jeb Hensarling
  • I want to protect consumers from their government.
    - Jeb Hensarling
  • We cannot watch another family lose everything - risking their lives and the lives of the first responders sent to rescue them - because the flood insurance program's seal of government approval fooled them into thinking they were safe. That's more than wrong: it's immoral.
    - Jeb Hensarling