Best quotes by Dorothy Fields on Song

Checkout quotes by Dorothy Fields on Song

  • The songwriter mustn't fall in love with his own song. If it doesn't belong, he can't push it into a show. Let him save it; maybe it'll fit in another show.
    - Dorothy Fields
  • I don't care how good a song is - if it holds back the storyline, stalls the plot, your audience will reject it.
    - Dorothy Fields
  • A song must move the story ahead. A song must take the place of dialogue. If a song halts the show, pushes it back, stalls it, the audience won't buy it; they'll be unhappy.
    - Dorothy Fields
  • A song just doesn't come on. I've always had to tease it out, squeeze it out.
    - Dorothy Fields
  • A rhyme doesn't make a song.
    - Dorothy Fields