Best quotes by Abhijit Banerjee on Work

Checkout quotes by Abhijit Banerjee on Work

  • Good intentions and grand theories do not make a good programme. Programmes work best when they're based on a detailed und­er­standing of the problem being solved and how they are implemented on the ground.
    - Abhijit Banerjee
  • So, I went to Harvard and I got exposed to American work habits. I didn't even realise for a while that I was behind. I kind of had the illusion that I was understanding things. But people worked so hard and the thing I learnt first in America was that people work incredibly hard.
    - Abhijit Banerjee
  • I am not partisan in my economic thinking. We work with any number of state governments, many of which are BJP governments.
    - Abhijit Banerjee
  • We've learned a huge amount from organisations like Seva Mandir and Pratham, for example. In my personal experience, these organisations work on a very large scale with very poor people.
    - Abhijit Banerjee
  • The problem of getting from home to the metro, BRT or bus stop makes many people take their cars to work. Why not start a fleet of electric buses that just circle through neighbourhoods connecting them to the various public transport hubs?
    - Abhijit Banerjee
  • Policy change is nothing if it's not patient work.
    - Abhijit Banerjee
  • If there can be films about why hockey (and not just cricket) is cool, there can be a film or two about the virtues of honest, hard work.
    - Abhijit Banerjee
  • If people don't want blue-collar work, our labour costs will remain high and our competitiveness low.
    - Abhijit Banerjee