Best quotes by Dinesh D'Souza on America

Checkout quotes by Dinesh D'Souza on America

  • O.K., if the desire to knock America off its pedestal, to redistribute American income to other countries, to shrink America's footprint in the world, makes you anti-American, then Obama is in fact anti-American.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • America is simultaneously the most attractive and most repulsive place on the planet. It is most loved and most hated.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • 'War on terror' is a misnomer. It would be like calling America's involvement in World War II a 'war on kamikazism.' Terrorism, like kamikazism, is a tactic.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • This point seems counter-intuitive, given the amount of conspicuous vulgarity, vice, and immorality in America. Indeed some Islamic fundamentalists argue that their regimes are morally superior to the United States because they seek to foster virtue among the citizens.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • Other countries have been founded by 'accidents of force.' America is a creation of thought.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • Ramesh Ponnuru and others say Obama is a conventional liberal. But conventional liberals don't come out for the release of the Lockerbie bomber. Conventional liberals don't return the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office. Conventional liberals don't block oil drilling in America while subsidizing oil drilling in Brazil.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • I think, with Obama and the progressives, you've seen a massive expansion of big government, and it's all based on a moral premise. The moral premise is that wealth is theft. And I don't just mean the wealth of America, I mean, your wealth, my wealth.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • The scary thing is a dramatic erosion of American position in the world - its economic, military position, as well as America's influence. Obama is not the man at the wheel desperately trying to conserve American power, influence and wealth. For ideological reasons, he wants the slipping to continue. He's actually the architect of it.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • I love America, but I chose America.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • I came to America at the age of 17 as an exchange student, and a year later, I was a student at Dartmouth. I would say that the rather weak foundation of my Christianity was effectively battered at Dartmouth. I've had mostly a secular career. But I became intellectually interested in Christianity again in my mid-30s.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • Christianity is the fastest-growing religion in the world; Islam is the second. It's spreading in Asia, Africa, and South America. So the world is in a kind of religious revival, and the atheists are totally flummoxed. They thought they were winning, and now they see that they aren't.
    - Dinesh D'Souza
  • I came to America because this is a country defined by ladders of opportunity.
    - Dinesh D'Souza