Best quotes by John 5 on Guitar

Checkout quotes by John 5 on Guitar

  • I know it is one of the most important instruments and inventions, the electric guitar, to me, since television or movies or anything like that.
    - John 5
  • You know how kids will wait outside after a gig and try to get an autograph from the band? I would do that, but when I found the guitar player, I would say, 'What advice can you give me?' And a lot of my heroes would say, 'Have your own style.' I always kept that in my head.
    - John 5
  • I wanted to be a guitar player and musician so badly, and I prayed to get this the very few times I went to church, and I feel like I got my prayer answered.
    - John 5
  • When I came to California, I came from such an upper scale neighborhood, I was so sheltered, but I always knew I wanted to live in California, and I wanted to play guitar.
    - John 5
  • Jimi Hendrix is one of the main influences on why I wanted to play guitar. He really shook me. I think it was his whole style - the look and what he did with the guitar.
    - John 5
  • When my parents gave me that first guitar, I became totally obsessed. I would stay in my room all the time with it, and my parents were concerned.
    - John 5
  • When I was younger, I had a horrible flight. Horrible. It was well before I was 10 years old. So I always thought to myself, 'I know I don't want to travel.' That's why I wanted to be a session guy, because I knew I could still play guitar and make a living at it - hopefully.
    - John 5
  • I love instrumental guitar records, but I also understand that, as a listener, it can be difficult to get through a whole album of just that one thing.
    - John 5
  • The guitar is my whole life.
    - John 5
  • What I do is, I look at rock guitar players, and I say to myself, 'What is this guy doing? What does he have that can inspire me?' I try to see what other people are doing and take what they have and turn it and twist it into my own thing.
    - John 5
  • I want to make money playing guitar.
    - John 5
  • I'm always happy with a guitar in my hand.
    - John 5
  • I'm always playing guitar.
    - John 5
  • I think I'm always writing, and I'm always working, and I'm always trying to be creative. It's just something that I do all the time. I watch TV, and I'll play guitar.
    - John 5