Best quotes by Sissy Spacek on Family

Checkout quotes by Sissy Spacek on Family

  • My father's family is German and Czech.
    - Sissy Spacek
  • Hollywood's fickle. It's always been that way, and it will always be that way. And it's always going to be somebody new and exciting comes along. That's just the way it works, and it will always work that way. And I think that if you give it everything to the exclusion of your own real life and family, you've sold yourself down the river.
    - Sissy Spacek
  • I had a dozen years to act before starting a family, then found that motherhood dwarfed everything else. Once or twice a year, I take a project that appeals to me for its redeeming social value.
    - Sissy Spacek
  • I wanted to put all my family stories down for my girls, and I remember everything so vividly. I just wanted to put everything down while I still can remember it all.
    - Sissy Spacek
  • Most things in my life I had before leaving home. Values, support, great family. I was shaped at an early age. A musician playing guitar, I wanted to be a folk singer.
    - Sissy Spacek
  • My parents were devoted. Civic minded. We had family counsels. Three of us children against two of them. We lived a 'Leave It to Beaver' time.
    - Sissy Spacek
  • Our perception of celebrities in Hollywood is not the reality. The reality of our lives is so much like everyone else's life. We have family members we love, everyone gets up in the morning, they have three meals a day and they go about their business.
    - Sissy Spacek
  • I think my mother's family came on the Mayflower from England - D.A.R., you know.
    - Sissy Spacek