Best quotes by Derren Brown on Magic

Checkout quotes by Derren Brown on Magic

  • Magic's quite a solitary pursuit - a thing you can do for hours and hours, getting better and better.
    - Derren Brown
  • What I do is rooted in magic - it's got a big foot planted firmly in conjuring, even if the other foot's planted in psychological techniques.
    - Derren Brown
  • And the nature of magic is all in the person's experience. Whether the magician is using a highly complex sleight of hand or he's just got two cards that are the same, it doesn't matter: it's how it's sold and how magical it is for the person that matters.
    - Derren Brown
  • If you do magic, it's the quickest most fraudulent route to impressing people.
    - Derren Brown
  • If you're a comedian, it's a bit of a choice whether or not you want to be funny when you're not performing because it might feel disingenuous. In the same way, I don't show people magic tricks in social situations any more.
    - Derren Brown