Best quotes by Orlando Jones on Black

Checkout quotes by Orlando Jones on Black

  • There was a guy that was friends with my father, a very well-known and powerful hustler on the Eastern seaboard. He was a very interesting guy who would literally rent a passenger van and would take the poor kids from the ghettos and black neighborhoods down to the sporting goods store and just spend money. Buy them whatever they want.
    - Orlando Jones
  • I want to see as many black professionals as possible.
    - Orlando Jones
  • I'm tired of cookie-cutter monolithic representation of black folks.
    - Orlando Jones
  • My father marched in Selma. My father was there in Alabama. That's where I was born. My birth certificate says 'colored.' It does not say I'm African-American or black. So for me, those are real realities that are not subject to opinion.
    - Orlando Jones
  • I think it's impossible to be a young black male from the South, born to an era I was born in, and not have a clear sense of what race really means in the country.
    - Orlando Jones