Best quotes by Chris Murphy on People

Checkout quotes by Chris Murphy on People

  • I'm generally pretty responsible and diligent, but people make mistakes.
    - Chris Murphy
  • The most powerful force when changing people's hearts and minds is a person-to-person conversation.
    - Chris Murphy
  • If we want our laws to change, we need to elect people who are willing to change them.
    - Chris Murphy
  • As lawmakers, our job is to listen to our constituents. If our phones are ringing off the hook with people demanding to know where we stand on an issue, we pay attention.
    - Chris Murphy
  • There is no doubt Assad deserves every missile we fire at him, but there's one big problem with air strikes - there is absolutely no proof it has any deterrent effect on Assad. To the contrary, history tells us these strikes will most likely quicken the pace of his assault on his own people.
    - Chris Murphy
  • Helping people get the skills they need to set them up for a rewarding career helps keep people in Connecticut, and it ensures that we have a workforce that's ready to fill the thousands of manufacturing jobs of the future.
    - Chris Murphy