Best quotes by Dennis Muilenburg on Business

Checkout quotes by Dennis Muilenburg on Business

  • Standing up Global Services will accelerate our capabilities across all Boeing services and support areas - from our traditional parts, modifications, and upgrades business to strengthening our data analytics and information-based offerings.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • The thing I love about President Trump is he's really focused on helping business succeed.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • I think the work on tax reform, the work that's being done on regulatory reform is very important. And just having a seat at the table, I think, is so important for business today as we think about what's going to benefit the economy of this country, how we're going to create great manufacturing jobs.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • We're not in the business of taking large operations in the U.S. and moving them overseas.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • It's very important that we all have a common understanding of our purpose as a business - what we aspire to - and a strategy for achieving it.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • We need to stay on the leading edge of technology, that technology in our products, in our internal process and manufacturing. But most importantly, we need the talent. It's multidisciplinary talent. It's talent that knows how to operate globally, that has technology savvy and a business savvy.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • I believe you'll see a low Earth orbit space travel business begin.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • The commercial airplane business is an incredible growth business.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • Ambassador Kennedy brings to the Boeing board professional, diplomatic, and global perspectives that are highly valued in our rapidly evolving and increasingly competitive global business environment. Her diversity of experience and accompanying insights will broaden and strengthen our board in its deliberative and oversight roles for the company.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • We aspire to be a top performer in every area of our business, and that includes leading in the communities where our employees and their families live and work.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • We'll continue to take the right actions to make sure we're a profitable business.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • Our commitment to integrity, our commitment to diversity and inclusion, to respecting our teammates - that's what makes this business work.
    - Dennis Muilenburg
  • We expect to be a prime in the fighter jet business for the long run. This is not a business we're getting out of at all.
    - Dennis Muilenburg