Best quotes by Robert Zemeckis on Movies

Checkout quotes by Robert Zemeckis on Movies

  • When I was a kid, I loved action, war, horror, monster movies... Anything with special effects. I was fascinated with how'd they do that.
    - Robert Zemeckis
  • I think the only thing filmmakers can do is try to make good movies and make them as long as they allow us to keep making them. But at the end of the day, it is a business, and if audiences don't care, there's nothing we can do. It'll just go away, I guess.
    - Robert Zemeckis
  • In the next couple of years, part of every film's process is going to be to adjust the images. And it'll be to change the color of an actor's tie or change the little smirky thing he's doing with his mouth. Or you can put in more clouds or move the tree a little bit.
    - Robert Zemeckis
  • I'm very concerned that we don't make movies that are original anymore.
    - Robert Zemeckis
  • The thing that makes love stories work, in my opinion, in movies and novels and country & western songs, is the feeling of longing.
    - Robert Zemeckis
  • I grew up on Chicago's South Side in a working-poor family, so I watched everything on television. It was like my window on the world. But we also went to the movies pretty regularly - mostly on Tuesdays, because that was Ladies Night, and my mom could get in for free.
    - Robert Zemeckis
  • Because movies have gotten so expensive, and they're so expensive to market, that means that for a movie to break even or to make its money back, everybody has to go see the movie, and if everybody has to go see the movie, then it can't be about anything.
    - Robert Zemeckis
  • I'm really tired of making these huge, over-$100 million movies where they literally mean life and death for a studio. It's really rough making these expensive movies. Everyone is hysterical.
    - Robert Zemeckis