Best quotes by David Talbot on Journalism

Checkout quotes by David Talbot on Journalism

  • After Watergate, which happened when I was in college, I became increasingly inspired by journalism as a way to change the world. It sounds corny, but to wake the public up, to serve a higher cause.
    - David Talbot
  • Journalism is not just a cause, it's also a wacky profession.
    - David Talbot
  • I don't think Fox News or Rush Limbaugh need Clinton it turns out. I think there's a hunger out there for - whether it's on the left or right - a more lively and provocative type of political journalism. I think Salon and Fox on the other side have both benefited from that.
    - David Talbot
  • My favorite thing is still journalism. I'm almost 50. This has been my life ever since I was in college.
    - David Talbot
  • Most magazines have become wallpaper, they're all the same, all the same celebrities. It's really an abysmal time in American journalism right now. But occasionally one story or two will pop out.
    - David Talbot
  • The only school that let me in was U.C. Santa Cruz, which is where I went. They didn't have a journalism program, so I took sociology, which is the closest thing to journalism.
    - David Talbot