Best quotes by Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Democracy

Checkout quotes by Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Democracy

  • Thirty years ago, this promise, this allure of democracy, drove hundreds of thousands of people in East Germany onto the streets. What courage they showed! It was these brave people, these peaceful heroes and heroines, who brought the Wall tumbling down.
    - Frank-Walter Steinmeier
  • Reaching compromise does not signal weakness, but rather is a sign of strength. The ability to compromise is the backbone of democracy.
    - Frank-Walter Steinmeier
  • Our democracy is as strong as we make it. Its founding principle is that we voice our opinions, and that we are willing to argue for what we believe in.
    - Frank-Walter Steinmeier
  • Courage is the lifeblood of democracy.
    - Frank-Walter Steinmeier
  • We need democracy - but right now democracy needs us! It needs self-assured citizens who have confidence and drive, common sense and decency, and who show solidarity with others.
    - Frank-Walter Steinmeier