Best quotes by Jay IDK on Money

Checkout quotes by Jay IDK on Money

  • There's peer pressure of not being respected of having a certain amount of money, but if you know who you are, then you see that and look past it.
    - Jay IDK
  • 'The Empty Bank' talks about really specific instances where I kind of make the wrong moves based off of money, and it also details instances where I was acting like I had money when I really didn't have that much money.
    - Jay IDK
  • At times, I can be a slave to money.
    - Jay IDK
  • There are a lot of things that money can't buy, and once you realize that is how you break free.
    - Jay IDK
  • When I started my writing process for 'Empty Bank,' everything had to do with money. It was at a time in my life where I started to see money differently.
    - Jay IDK