Best quotes by David Novak on World

Checkout quotes by David Novak on World

  • Even when God chose Israel, he did not create the people of Israel as he created its human members, as natural beings. Instead, God formed the people of Israel from individual human beings already living in the natural world, calling them into a new historical identity.
    - David Novak
  • If human language, with its logic, is the way God has given us to understand the world, then the Torah must be understood in that same language and with that same logic.
    - David Novak
  • Jews have not only become equal citizens in Western democracies, they have become leading citizens. And, of course, the reestablishment of the State of Israel has given Jews a political presence in the world they have not had since biblical times.
    - David Novak
  • Christians and Jews alike are the new exiles of the contemporary world, struggling with how to sing the Lord's song in a strange land.
    - David Novak
  • The Jewish tradition presents itself as the greatest revelation of God's truth that can be known in the world. That is why we call ourselves 'the chosen people.' It is not that we choose ourselves. It means that we have been elected by God and given the Torah.
    - David Novak