Best quotes by Johnny Van Zant on Love

Checkout quotes by Johnny Van Zant on Love

  • Johnny Colt is a character, and most people in Lynyrd Skynyrd are characters, so he fits in great with us. He's got an attitude, man, and I love it, and that's what we need.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • We always joke that our road crew will have to wheelchair us up onstage soon because this is what we do. This is what we love to do. This is what God put us on earth to do until the day we take our last breath.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd has always been a bunch of rowdy, crazy people, but we love our fans, and that's what the music is all about: touching them. Touching them touches us.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • I just love going out and playing my brother's songs.
    - Johnny Van Zant
  • Our newest member is Johnny Colt, who was bass player with The Black Crowes. Colt fits right in with us. He's loony as heck, and so are we. We have a great time and love doing what we do. I hope Johnny is with us for a long, long time. He is quite the guy.
    - Johnny Van Zant