Best quotes by David Beckham on People

Checkout quotes by David Beckham on People

  • I'm a very stubborn person. I think it has helped me over my career. I'm sure it has hindered me at times as well, but not too many times. I know that if I set my mind to do something, even if people are saying I can't do it, I will achieve it.
    - David Beckham
  • People just assume, over the years, that soccer players are not too intelligent. As with most assumptions, they're wrong.
    - David Beckham
  • Everyone's been so quick to say that I'm really thick or I haven't got a brain. People will think whatever they want to think.
    - David Beckham
  • People react to criticism in different ways, and my way is definitely to come out fighting.
    - David Beckham
  • I think the most important goal I scored in Spain was the first one because people were wary about me coming over to Spain as a player - they thought I was just there to sell shirts.
    - David Beckham