Best quotes by Ricky Steamboat on Ring

Checkout quotes by Ricky Steamboat on Ring

  • Things can be fast paced in the ring but I was very particular in knowing to be in the right time at the right place.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • The doctors have said that they don't want me in the ring bouncing around or getting picked up and slammed down. They said the old head just can't survive anymore trauma.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I just wanted to experience what it felt like on the other side of the fence. As we all know, the heels have the most fun out there in the ring.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • A lot of guys would say that I was like a 'damn chameleon'. It doesn't matter who you are in the ring with, you can adjust and adapt.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I always felt that whatever I was asked to do that my ability in the ring would speak for itself.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • A guy can do a stair-stepper for an hour or go out and run five miles, but there's a big difference between doing that and going out into the ring and being ready to go-go-go-go-go!
    - Ricky Steamboat