Best quotes by Sri Chinmoy on God

Checkout quotes by Sri Chinmoy on God

  • Love is the only wealth that man absolutely needs. Love is the only wealth that God precisely is.
    - Sri Chinmoy
  • Heaven and God are not high above us, far away; they are deep within us. Heaven is not a distant country where there are trees and houses and other objects; it is a plane of consciousness within us. Seekers of the eternal Truth will realise their eternal Heaven within their aspiring hearts.
    - Sri Chinmoy
  • Whether you accept or reject it, God's Love for you is permanent.
    - Sri Chinmoy
  • Do not try to approach God with your thinking mind. It may only stimulate your intellectual ideas, activities, and beliefs. Try to approach God with your crying heart. It will awaken your soulful, spiritual consciousness.
    - Sri Chinmoy
  • A sincere seeker knows what his goal is: the highest Truth. He will not delay his journey. In spiritual life, we aspire for the highest Truth, for God, nothing else.
    - Sri Chinmoy
  • God has blessed me with the capacity to meditate even while I am talking.
    - Sri Chinmoy
  • He who loves, never grows old. God it a shining example.
    - Sri Chinmoy
  • If we call ourselves children of God, then others are also children of God.
    - Sri Chinmoy
  • If you depend on God's grace there is no such thing as impossible.
    - Sri Chinmoy
  • My service to humanity is my real opportunity to prove my genuine love for God and God alone.
    - Sri Chinmoy