Best quotes by Trent Franks on Will

Checkout quotes by Trent Franks on Will

  • I will tell you that my position is that funding bills should include as little money for Obamacare as possible.
    - Trent Franks
  • We simply have never been able to predict what our next challenge will be.
    - Trent Franks
  • I would want THAAD outside in our backyard, if we could get the military to put one there, because I believe it will be a protection to my children and no danger to them.
    - Trent Franks
  • I believe if Mr. Obama is reelected, and Israel somehow is unable to interdict the Iranian nation from gaining nuclear weapons themselves, this administration unfortunately, I'm afraid, will allow Iran to gain a nuclear weapon and then pursue what they believe would be the traditional policy of containment.
    - Trent Franks
  • If lenders are forced to scale back student lending because private student loans are subject to bankruptcy discharge, many students will be denied access to higher education.
    - Trent Franks