Best quotes by Dan Savage on People

Checkout quotes by Dan Savage on People

  • The successes of the LGBT civil rights movement and the more prominent role openly gay people are playing in the public eye has actually turned up the temperature in middle schools and high schools for queer kids.
    - Dan Savage
  • You know, my problem is I can't say no to people, especially people who want to write me checks to do things.
    - Dan Savage
  • A lot of people are living their lives online in much more public ways with Facebook and Twitter.
    - Dan Savage
  • When I was in high school I got involved in the fringe theater scene in Chicago, and I met some openly gay people. I could see that it got better, that they were happy and loved and supported. I saw with my own eyes that it got better.
    - Dan Savage
  • A huge part of what animates homophobia among young people is paranoia and fear of their own capacity to be gay themselves.
    - Dan Savage
  • The mistake that straight people made was imposing the monogamous expectation on men. Men were never expected to be monogamous.
    - Dan Savage
  • One man's blasphemy doesn't override other people's free-speech rights, their freedom to publish, freedom of thought.
    - Dan Savage
  • Straight people are everywhere!
    - Dan Savage
  • I own a lot of my house, because I'm Irish and from people who never owned anything.
    - Dan Savage
  • Sometimes I talk to religious people about my column or what I do, and I ask them to, you know, read 20 or 30 of them and then come tell me that the message at the heart of every column isn't, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' In every possible sense.
    - Dan Savage
  • The only way to get gay issues off the front pages of Canadian newspapers is to grant gay and lesbian people our full civil equality and leave it alone.
    - Dan Savage
  • Actual gay people can make many others feel uncomfortable and paranoid because they don't know and can't articulate what makes a person gay, and they worry that maybe they themselves are gay.
    - Dan Savage
  • There are so many people out there with less shame talking about their problems.
    - Dan Savage