Best quotes by Dan Bongino on People

Checkout quotes by Dan Bongino on People

  • It's ironic that socialism and similar left-wing ideas appeal to people who fashion themselves as 'anti-establishment,' when you can't have socialism without political repression.
    - Dan Bongino
  • We are now living through peak stupid with the left, and this 'toxic masculinity,' 'white patriarch' nonsense, where they've now devolved to judging people exclusively by their gender and their skin color is a marker of the total intellectual collapse of the radical left.
    - Dan Bongino
  • When you're a federal agent you don't get to arrest people for like $5.00 petty crimes or anything like that, they'll throw you right out of there.
    - Dan Bongino
  • In the United States, authorities are supposed to investigate crimes and find the people who have committed them.
    - Dan Bongino
  • I hear from people all the time and it infuriates me that 'President Obama's a brilliant politician.' No he absolutely is not.
    - Dan Bongino
  • What's 'straight news?' I guess a lot of people out there in the general public would probably say the New York Times and Reuters. I just disagree that is straight news.
    - Dan Bongino
  • The Solyndra scandal occurred because of people with money who have influence and power.
    - Dan Bongino