Best quotes by Ricky Steamboat on Me

Checkout quotes by Ricky Steamboat on Me

  • The one moment above all that fans bring up from my career when they run into me is the Savage match. Here it is, 30 years later, and everywhere I go that's what people want to talk about.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • You can call me 'Tons of Lard' for all I care, as long as I get to work.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I've wrestled in Hamilton and Toronto and the fans have always received me well there... It's always been one of my favorite areas to come in.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I've got 8 and 10 year old kids telling me about the match I had with Savage at WrestleMania III and that was 30 years before they were even born. But with the magic of the Internet, their dad tells them to watch a little bit of what they used to watch... It amazes me that we're passing it on from generation to generation.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I remember the first time I climbed the cage - it was almost like a challenge from Snuka. I said, 'This is crazy. This is absolutely crazy!' I went ahead and did it but I only did it a couple of times. It scared me half to death.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • When I started in the business, getting in the ring, most nights I'd look across at a 15-20 year veteran. And every night, he would take me to school.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I like to listen to the crowd, I really do. The crowd helps give me that extra boost of adrenaline.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • The fans have always played a major role for me and have helped me do what I need to do in the ring.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I remember the first couple of years when I was coming up through the ranks, some of the old-timers would take me aside after the match and critique me.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • Me being in a managerial position has never crossed my mind. Even in the twilight of my career.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • The doctors have said that they don't want me in the ring bouncing around or getting picked up and slammed down. They said the old head just can't survive anymore trauma.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I walked into Eddie Graham's office, he took one look at me and said, 'You look a lot like Sam Steamboat. We're going to make you his nephew - Ricky Steamboat.'
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • I learned so much from Ric Flair... just listening to him guide me early in my career.
    - Ricky Steamboat
  • There are so many young fans out there who have only seen me wrestle on tape.
    - Ricky Steamboat