Best quotes by Cody Rhodes on Me

Checkout quotes by Cody Rhodes on Me

  • I was a Shawn Michaels fan, so that's a sad memory for me. I'm proud to add a happier memory in that building, even though Christopher Daniels also lost his smile.
    - Cody Rhodes
  • Nobody is keeping me from using my last name.
    - Cody Rhodes
  • I reached a point where nothing scares me in this industry, mainly because I grew up in it. My earliest memory is 4 years old, getting in a wrestling ring.
    - Cody Rhodes
  • Nothing has been more exciting for me knowing that Ring of Honor is experiencing their best crowds, their best buy rates, and their best merchandise numbers while I'm the champion.
    - Cody Rhodes
  • I put my confidence in Ring of Honor because they put their confidence in me.
    - Cody Rhodes
  • I have this little, tiny Dusty Rhodes figure they make in Japan that people always give me in my bag. I set it next to the title and took a picture of it in my bag. That was my big goal in the industry. I wasn't able to achieve that in his lifetime, but he always believed.
    - Cody Rhodes
  • If you ask me what I like about Green Arrow, I can tell you that I read 'Longbow Hunters' years ago and that it's my favorite Green Arrow.
    - Cody Rhodes
  • My dad had a habit of giving me the Abdullah the Butcher matches as well as the ones with tables and chairs - basically, the matches that went all over the building.
    - Cody Rhodes
  • I really got struck by lightning when it came to my decision to leave WWE. If I literally think about that day and who I was then, it's drastic. It almost happened overnight for me.
    - Cody Rhodes