Best quotes by Kimberly Bryant on Technology

Checkout quotes by Kimberly Bryant on Technology

  • I did not grow up around computers, so technology was not a tool used every day in my household. I was drawn to computer science due to the creative nature of programming and the technology focus.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • I had originally wanted to be a lawyer. Even when I went to college and majored in engineering, I still thought I'd get a law degree. Then I started taking electrical engineering classes where I saw some of the innovation happening around computers and solid-state technology in the mid '80s.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • When I started Black Girls Code in 2011, there weren't any programs that had a foundation in communities of color to teach our kids about technology.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • Technology is a ubiquitous part of our everyday lives, and the accompanying geeky lexicon has infiltrated every facet of our modern day society.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • We like to say we hope to be like the Girl Scouts of technology, having many different chapters in many different states as well as many different countries.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • Technology can be biased in how it's developed if coders aren't careful. There are apps that are clearly made by companies with no people of color on their team.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • By reaching out to the community through workshops, hackathons, and after-school programs, Black Girls Code introduces computer programming and technology to girls from underrepresented communities.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • If technology is designed mostly by white males, who make up roughly half our population, we're missing out on the innovation, solutions, and creativity that a broader pool of talent can bring to the table.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • I hope to literally change the world with Black Girls Code by changing the paradigm which produces the current monolithic ecosystem in technology.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • If I understood the great opportunities that are available to women and underrepresented minorities in the field of tech I would have made the transition from traditional engineering to the technology field much earlier in my career.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • Jobs in technology have the rapidest rate of growth. The need for computer science is so incredibly large, and it's important that girls of all colors have the opportunity to move into that field.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • Although we use a lot of technology and consume a lot of technology as people of color, we're usually not the ones at the tables doing the creating of it.
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • I believe it is incredibly important for women and people of color to become the builders and creators in technology. In order to do so, we need to know how to code or, at least, know the language of coding - what I like to call 'code speak.'
    - Kimberly Bryant
  • I'm looking to see more women of color not only in companies in technology, but also creating companies.
    - Kimberly Bryant