Best quotes by Clive Barker on Life

Checkout quotes by Clive Barker on Life

  • My life is in the art that I make, and I'm very happy with it.
    - Clive Barker
  • My life is in the art that I make, and I'm very happy with it.
    - Clive Barker
  • Be regular and orderly in your life, that you may be violent and original in your work.
    - Clive Barker
  • I'm a gay man, living an out life for a long time, and it's tiring and anger-making to hear people continue to spit out the same old dreary cliches about the fact that gay men are doing something unnatural, and there'll be a price to pay when the Rapture happens.
    - Clive Barker
  • I want to be able to still surprise myself, even shock myself, whether it be sexual content, whether it be about the theological content, whatever. I want to be able to knock myself sideways. Otherwise, what a waste of a life that would be.
    - Clive Barker