Best quotes by Stephen Miller on Media

Checkout quotes by Stephen Miller on Media

  • Donald Trump has fundamentally realigned American politics. It's time the media acknowledge this and give him the credit he deserves.
    - Stephen Miller
  • The media that's having this hysterical reaction to James Mattis retiring is the same media in many cases, the same politicians in many cases, who cheered our nation into a war in Iraq that turned out to be a catastrophe.
    - Stephen Miller
  • It's just astonishing to me that the media is so interested in how much it costs to secure our border and has no interest in the cost of refusing to secure our border.
    - Stephen Miller
  • We obviously know that terrorist groups have become very reliant on social media.
    - Stephen Miller
  • The media tends to cover immigration issues through the frame of how it impacts everybody but actual citizens of the United States.
    - Stephen Miller