Best quotes by Chris Cornell on Song

Checkout quotes by Chris Cornell on Song

  • My favorite Bob Dylan record is the very first one where he sings one Bob Dylan song and the rest of them are his interpretations of the Dust Bowl-era folk songs, or even going back as far as the mass influx of people coming into the U.S. during the gold rush. His interpretations of those songs are incredible.
    - Chris Cornell
  • That's the miracle of music. No one can reinterpret a Picasso, but a song can be remixed and covered and interpreted in an infinite number of ways. It's a living thing.
    - Chris Cornell
  • Oftentimes, especially in the context of an acoustic song, I'm motivated to write by some amount of melancholy.
    - Chris Cornell
  • Criticism pretty much follows anything anyone ever does. So, anytime anyone ever writes a song, plays a show, or does whatever they do, there's going to be a certain amount of criticism because that's kind of what happens.
    - Chris Cornell
  • I think the Beatles is one band that, if I'm working on a song arrangement or if I have some idea for a song, and there's a little bit of a Beatles quality to it, I never avoid that. I always will steer into it.
    - Chris Cornell