Best quotes by Jack Schlossberg on Change

Checkout quotes by Jack Schlossberg on Change

  • Part of growing up is realizing the frustrating, heartbreaking truth that intense and sustained long-term effort is needed to effect change.
    - Jack Schlossberg
  • Climate change threatens the future of life on this planet.
    - Jack Schlossberg
  • Obama has acted aggressively on the issue most important to my generation: climate change.
    - Jack Schlossberg
  • On healthcare, climate change, nuclear disarmament, gun control and countless other issues, President Obama consistently made difficult choices and put the national interest over his own political interest to do what was right. All the while, he resisted the politics of cynicism in a system that too often encourages it.
    - Jack Schlossberg
  • Most of the Republican Party denies climate change and has fought all efforts to address it.
    - Jack Schlossberg