Best quotes by Domino Kirke on Family

Checkout quotes by Domino Kirke on Family

  • Mark Ronson was a dear friend through family and through growing up in New York, being in that scene, and Mark came to a show and really liked it and asked us to join his record label Allido records, or 'all I do' records, and that was sort of a development deal.
    - Domino Kirke
  • What I learned is that it's very hard to have both a family life and a touring life simultaneously.
    - Domino Kirke
  • The work I do when I'm not making music is very much about service, helping women give birth or aiding in family planning.
    - Domino Kirke
  • In my family, it was always encouraged to become a creative person. I became a doula instead, then I married an actor, and my sisters became famous almost overnight.
    - Domino Kirke
  • I felt this pressure to just be the singer in my family or the musician in my family. But once I had my son, I was like, 'No, I can do all of it.'
    - Domino Kirke
  • I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be in that world. But I also understood that being a touring musician meant that you'd be gone a lot and that was going to make other things a lot harder, like having a family.
    - Domino Kirke
  • I grew up in a family where my father was in a rock band, and I saw and heard every story.
    - Domino Kirke
  • My family realized I was going to do birth work and then music; they were like, 'What's a doula? This is not what you were meant to do!' And I was like, 'Everyone thinks they can only do one thing.'
    - Domino Kirke