Best quotes by Charles Saatchi on Art

Checkout quotes by Charles Saatchi on Art

  • Art collectors are pretty insignificant in the scheme of things. What matters and survives is the art. I buy art that I like. I buy it to show it off in exhibitions. Then, if I feel like it, I sell it and buy more art.
    - Charles Saatchi
  • Artists need a lot of collectors, all kinds of collectors, buying their art.
    - Charles Saatchi
  • I don't buy art just to make artists happy any more than I want to make them sad if I sell their work.
    - Charles Saatchi
  • I hate to sound like a romantic adolescent, but I believe artists don't generally see art as a career choice; they simply can't overcome their desire to make art, and will live on little income for as long as they have to, before they start to sell their work - or give up and get a paying job.
    - Charles Saatchi
  • Some people in the art world bemoan the hedge fund millionaires spending freely to acquire ostentatious displays of wealth and coolth for their giddily chic designer duplexes. Others bemoan art being treated as a commodity. But most of the bemoaning is because the art world is stuffed full of bemoaners, bemoaning about everything.
    - Charles Saatchi
  • I may not be much good at most things, but if I didn't have the pleasure of planning and installing shows, and doing it better than anyone else, I would have stopped buying art many years ago.
    - Charles Saatchi
  • My dark little secret is that I don't actually believe many people in the art world have much feeling for art.
    - Charles Saatchi
  • I don't know very many people in the art world, only socialise with the few I like, and have little time to gnaw my nails with anxiety about any criticism I hear about.
    - Charles Saatchi
  • Few people in contemporary art demonstrate much curiosity. The majority spend their days blathering on, rather than trying to work out why one artist is more interesting than another, or why one picture works and another doesn't.
    - Charles Saatchi
  • I've heard that almost all the people crowding around the big art openings barely look at the work on display and are just there to hobnob. Nothing wrong with that, except that none of them ever come back to look at the art - but they will tell everyone, and actually believe, that they have seen the exhibition.
    - Charles Saatchi