Best quotes by Paul Romer on Growth

Checkout quotes by Paul Romer on Growth

  • In the 1950s, Hong Kong was a place where millions of people could go, from the mainland, to start in jobs like sewing shirts, making toys. But, to get on a process of increasing income, increasing skills led to very rapid growth there.
    - Paul Romer
  • Well, one of the things I should tell you is that if you look at the very long sweep of history what you see is that the rate of growth has been speeding up, the rate of progress, and that's because there's more and more people who are all engaged in this process of discovery.
    - Paul Romer
  • If you go back to the really long-run questions that interested me, the big question was why, over the centuries, the millennia, has growth been speeding up?
    - Paul Romer
  • The general message is about a bigger global integrated economy is going to lead to faster growth, that policy could improve efficiency by getting more research going.
    - Paul Romer
  • In macroeconomic theory, there is this argument that what the Fed does has no effect on unemployment, no effect on investment, no effect on the rate of GDP growth.
    - Paul Romer