Best quotes by Skitch Henderson on Business

Checkout quotes by Skitch Henderson on Business

  • I worked with practically everybody in the business in all of the years in NBC, but I worked personally many years with people like Crosby and Sinatra, so of course that was a great ground school for me.
    - Skitch Henderson
  • Well, in our business, it's a very tough profession.
    - Skitch Henderson
  • I recorded with Sinatra, but the recording business is a very strange strata right now.
    - Skitch Henderson
  • We try to say it's creative and in a manner it is creative, but it is a business, because today, with the cost factor in crossing the boundaries that you do.
    - Skitch Henderson
  • If you don't operate it as a business, you aren't going to be around very long.
    - Skitch Henderson