Best quotes by Casey Wasserman on Business

Checkout quotes by Casey Wasserman on Business

  • This is one of the last unique things to do in the business of sports, to return the National Football League to the city of Los Angeles. I happen to love the city of Los Angeles; I happen to love the NFL - and to somehow be a part of that, a helper in that process, is something I've always been interested in.
    - Casey Wasserman
  • My goal was to build a meaningful sports business that operates at the highest levels in the areas of business that we compete in. I have an intense desire to be successful, and I'm extremely competitive.
    - Casey Wasserman
  • I have been in business a long time. I never had a successful relationship or partnership with any entity by issuing an ultimatum.
    - Casey Wasserman
  • I love the entertainment business. I have a lot of friends in it, but it wasn't my passion. The sports business is what I am passionate about. I also wanted to define myself through something that wasn't linked to my grandfather.
    - Casey Wasserman
  • All the lessons I learned from my grandfather from the day I was born until the day he passed away served me well, and I think about them and use them every day. It was much more valuable than any business school could have provided.
    - Casey Wasserman
  • This is one of the last unique things to do in the business of sports, to return the National Football League to the city of Los Angeles. I happen to love the city of Los Angeles; I happen to love the NFL - and to somehow be a part of that, a helper in that process, is something I've always been interested in.
    - Casey Wasserman
  • My goal was to build a meaningful sports business that operates at the highest levels in the areas of business that we compete in. I have an intense desire to be successful, and I'm extremely competitive.
    - Casey Wasserman
  • I have been in business a long time. I never had a successful relationship or partnership with any entity by issuing an ultimatum.
    - Casey Wasserman
  • I love the entertainment business. I have a lot of friends in it, but it wasn't my passion. The sports business is what I am passionate about. I also wanted to define myself through something that wasn't linked to my grandfather.
    - Casey Wasserman
  • All the lessons I learned from my grandfather from the day I was born until the day he passed away served me well, and I think about them and use them every day. It was much more valuable than any business school could have provided.
    - Casey Wasserman