Best quotes by Dana Bash on Women

Checkout quotes by Dana Bash on Women

  • Whether she planned it or not, the path that Pelosi took to the House is the one most women used to follow. Women raised their kids, and then they went into politics.
    - Dana Bash
  • Not all women want to have children.
    - Dana Bash
  • To be sure, not all women are looking for a partner.
    - Dana Bash
  • Women, whatever their profession, tend to have a harder time feeling ready for a job, even though in most cases they are more than prepared.
    - Dana Bash
  • Many women in politics say they had very few, if any, female role models.
    - Dana Bash
  • For lots of reasons, including working crazy hours and having a job that required significant travel, I did not start trying to have a baby until I was in my late 30s. My experience is hardly unique. I am one of countless women who almost waited too long without realizing it.
    - Dana Bash
  • To have or not to have kids, when to have them, and whether we working women can 'have it all' has been debated, discussed, and examined since the washing machine and the TV dinner began to free up many mothers to even consider leaving the home as a viable option.
    - Dana Bash
  • I feel incredibly blessed that I'm in my generation and not my mother's generation. I feel that I'm very much benefitting from the strides that the women before me made.
    - Dana Bash
  • Women bring things to the storytelling of news that is maybe more relatable to the women that are consuming.
    - Dana Bash