Best quotes by Claire Messud on People

Checkout quotes by Claire Messud on People

  • An abiding preoccupation for me is how much of our lives are invisible and unknown by other people, like the Chekhov story 'The Lady With the Little Dog.'
    - Claire Messud
  • Women's anger is very scary to people, and to no one more than to other women, who think, 'My goodness, if I let the lid off, where would we be?'
    - Claire Messud
  • We think that we know people from this constellation of points: 'I know that story. I know that girl. I've heard that story a thousand times.' But actually, you never know that story.
    - Claire Messud
  • I'm a big believer in the complex realities of young people's lives.
    - Claire Messud
  • For me, the watershed was Hurricane Katrina. If that didn't get people out on the streets, then what will?
    - Claire Messud
  • In the world I've lived in, gay marriage, for example, seems completely logical. And yet there are many people who don't live in that world.
    - Claire Messud