Best quotes by Amber Tamblyn on God

Checkout quotes by Amber Tamblyn on God

  • I could never say that one religion is wrong. I could never say that this person's God is wrong, I could never say that someone is wrong because they don't believe in God.
    - Amber Tamblyn
  • If you believe that God put you here to act, then you have to be different. Go into casting offices, with something other girls don't have.
    - Amber Tamblyn
  • My own personal connection with God was not in a religious sense, so I wasn't really thinking in that way when I got the role and when I started doing it.
    - Amber Tamblyn
  • I liked the humor of it, I've always enjoyed a sense of humor in God and in religion and in spirituality.
    - Amber Tamblyn
  • I tried not to make God this big deal in Joan's life. She treats God like a friend: she's nice to him some days, and other days mean, and then cries when she needs help.
    - Amber Tamblyn
  • But I didn't even see God in the show as being very spiritual, I see him or her, it, as being something that is just relevant and very important in her life.
    - Amber Tamblyn
  • I think that people are definitely interested in the idea that Joan has conversations with God.
    - Amber Tamblyn
  • People in real life cuss God out when they're angry. That's all real.
    - Amber Tamblyn
  • And one of my other friends could not believe in God if he came down and tapped her on the shoulder. She's a biologist - a student at UCLA - and I don't judge her either, because I really believe that God is a personal opinion, and only that.
    - Amber Tamblyn