Best quotes by Casey Neistat on YouTube

Checkout quotes by Casey Neistat on YouTube

  • I have 60-plus videos on YouTube and over 30 million views. Of those 60, only three or four are branded videos. I built that audience by telling stories the way I like to tell them.
    - Casey Neistat
  • I don't know of a more noble, a bigger deal as a filmmaker than to be a YouTube filmmaker.
    - Casey Neistat
  • I love seeing the way in which young people embrace video, and the YouTube vlogger is a fantastic phenomenon.
    - Casey Neistat
  • If you type 'Salt Flats' into YouTube, you'll find 100 amazing videos that were shot out there, but you won't find any that were shot in the rain.
    - Casey Neistat
  • The idea that somebody would go to my YouTube channel and want to watch movies and then be subjected to some terrible car commercial - I don't like that.
    - Casey Neistat
  • I have 60-plus videos on YouTube and over 30 million views. Of those 60, only three or four are branded videos. I built that audience by telling stories the way I like to tell them.
    - Casey Neistat
  • I don't know of a more noble, a bigger deal as a filmmaker than to be a YouTube filmmaker.
    - Casey Neistat
  • I love seeing the way in which young people embrace video, and the YouTube vlogger is a fantastic phenomenon.
    - Casey Neistat
  • If you type 'Salt Flats' into YouTube, you'll find 100 amazing videos that were shot out there, but you won't find any that were shot in the rain.
    - Casey Neistat
  • The idea that somebody would go to my YouTube channel and want to watch movies and then be subjected to some terrible car commercial - I don't like that.
    - Casey Neistat