Best quotes by Gary Herbert on Business

Checkout quotes by Gary Herbert on Business

  • In Utah, one word sums up our business prowess: investment. Simply put, we know we can't have long-term economic growth and maintain Utah's enviable quality of life without making some critical investments.
    - Gary Herbert
  • As governor, I enjoy the opportunity to talk about Utah's measurable business success.
    - Gary Herbert
  • In 2009, during my inaugural address, I expressed the importance of unprecedented partnerships. Since then, Utah's government, business, and education leaders in communities statewide have worked together more frequently and with better results than ever before.
    - Gary Herbert
  • My priority will continue to be that we maintain the optimal balance to be able to invest in education and infrastructure while encouraging business growth.
    - Gary Herbert
  • When it comes down to hardball, we have a veto pen, and I've used it in the past, and I expect we will have opportunity to use it in the future. That's the nature of the business.
    - Gary Herbert
  • Utah is America's best place for business because Utahns make it their business to succeed - and we have the track record to prove it.
    - Gary Herbert
  • My message to business leaders is clear: If you are looking to expand your business and boost the bottom line, there is no better place than Utah to do it.
    - Gary Herbert
  • I am confident that, as elected officials, we can work together with religious, business and civic leaders, as well as the LGBT community, to develop policies that treat all people with dignity and respect.
    - Gary Herbert