Best quotes by Joan Baez on People

Checkout quotes by Joan Baez on People

  • I think music has the power to transform people, and in doing so, it has the power to transform situations - some large and some small.
    - Joan Baez
  • The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one.
    - Joan Baez
  • I have hope in people, in individuals. Because you don't know what's going to rise from the ruins.
    - Joan Baez
  • If people have to put labels on me, I'd prefer the first label to be human being, the second label to be pacifist, and the third to be folk singer.
    - Joan Baez
  • People say I'm such a pessimist, but I always was. It never stopped me from doing what I had to do. I would say I'm a realist.
    - Joan Baez
  • I'm lucky to have met so many people who have been involved in peace and who have been peace prize winners.
    - Joan Baez
  • I didn't go through the routine of singing in small clubs and doing open mics and working so hard the way a lot of people do and did. It was just an overnight kind of thing.
    - Joan Baez