Best quotes by Elizabeth Berg on Work

Checkout quotes by Elizabeth Berg on Work

  • Life is so fragile, so brief. And we seemingly work so hard at trying to ignore that.
    - Elizabeth Berg
  • You need a place to work that works for you, and you need people to understand that when you are writing, you are doing a rarefied type of brain surgery and therefore should not be subject to a million random interruptions.
    - Elizabeth Berg
  • When I look at my own work, I see love, loss, and loneliness. Part of it might be that I was an army brat. I moved around all the time. There was a sense of nothing being permanent.
    - Elizabeth Berg
  • When I lived in Boston, I had an office that I rented because I found it wonderful to go away from my house to work: It was so quiet, and I couldn't go to the refrigerator or do the laundry.
    - Elizabeth Berg
  • I have always believed in helping people whose work I admire.
    - Elizabeth Berg