Best quotes by Caitlyn Jenner on Life

Checkout quotes by Caitlyn Jenner on Life

  • Life wasn't easy growing up; it was frustrating. If I had been a better reader, then that would have come easily, sports would have come easily, everything would have come easily, and I never would have realized that the way you get ahead in life is hard work.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • I'm just going to go live life. I'm going to go enjoy life. I have nothing left to hide. I am kind of a free person, a free soul.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • Gamble, cheat, lie, and steal. Let me explain: Gamble for your best shot in life - dare to take risks. Cheat those who would have you be less than you are. Lie in the arms of those you love. And finally, steal every moment of happiness.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • There's nothing more, nothing better in life to wake up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror, and feel comfortable with yourself and who you are.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • The 'Vanity Fair' article was interesting to do because it was the first time I ever really had the opportunity to be absolutely truthful with a reporter about every aspect of my life.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • If I wasn't dyslexic, I probably wouldn't have won the Games. If I had been a better reader, then that would have come easily, sports would have come easily... and I never would have realized that the way you get ahead in life is hard work.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • If I win the gold medal, I will be set for the rest of my life. The medal itself doesn't give you anything, but it makes you a marketable item. You take it and see what you can do.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • If I win the gold medal, I will be set for the rest of my life. The medal itself doesn't give you anything, but it makes you a marketable item. You take it and see what you can do.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you're a musician, a writer, an athlete or a businessman, there is no getting around it. If you do, you'll win - if you don't, you won't.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • That's the most important thing you do in your life - raise children and try to do the best job as a parent and give your kids the best shot in life to go out there into the big, bad world.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • So many people go through life, and they never deal with their own issues, no matter what the issues are - ours happen to be gender identity. But, how many people go through life and just waste an entire life 'cause they'd never deal with themselves to be who they are.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • Hardly nobody gets to live two genders in their life.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • I have struggled with identity all my life. It's not like something that just happened last week.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • I have struggled with identity all my life. It's not like something that just happened last week.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • I had a lot of conversations with my family, my close friends, with my pastor, with God, and kind of came to a revelation that maybe I should be honest with myself about who I am and let that person - this woman who has lived inside me for my entire life - finally have an opportunity to live.
    - Caitlyn Jenner
  • It's one of the hardest things in life - choosing your own name.
    - Caitlyn Jenner