Best quotes by Ellyse Perry on Women

Checkout quotes by Ellyse Perry on Women

  • Honestly, direct monetary comparisons aren't helpful. If you're going to look at remuneration, you have to be realistic about what revenue we're bringing in for the organisation and the sport. And as it currently stands, women's cricket is still a cost to the business.
    - Ellyse Perry
  • Having success in World Cups is some of the biggest career highlights that I've had, but more generally speaking, the biggest highlight is just the development of the sport and being involved in this period of women's cricket, but also in women's sport in general in Australia, where it's been a bit of a watershed moment.
    - Ellyse Perry
  • A lot has evolved and changed in women's sport in the last 10 years - particularly football and cricket. So, I think my timing, in terms of being able to play both for a while, was fortunate.
    - Ellyse Perry
  • I think a lot of sporting organisations are really sitting up and taking notice, putting in some great programs and investing a lot into women's sports.
    - Ellyse Perry
  • For me looking at the success of some of the women's football World Cups, the crowds they've drawn, the spectacle it has created and the event that it's been I think it's really great cricket is having a go at that as well.
    - Ellyse Perry