Best quotes by Michael Shellenberger on Solar

Checkout quotes by Michael Shellenberger on Solar

  • Solar makes electricity expensive for two inherently physical reasons. Sunlight is dilute, requiring 10 to 15 times as much materials and mining, and up to 5,000 times more land, than non-renewables. And sunlight is unreliable, which reduces the value of solar as it becomes a larger part of energy supplies.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The underlying problem with solar and wind is that they are too unreliable and energy-dilute.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Dealing with environmental lawsuits and grassroots resistance is expensive. Industrial wind and solar developers have to hire lawyers, public relations specialists, and scientists willing to testify that this or that project poses only a modest threat to endangered birds and bats.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Neither solar nor wind are actually substitutes for coal or natural gas or oil.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Only nuclear can lift all humans out of poverty while saving the natural environment. Nothing else - not coal, not solar, not geo-engineering - can do that.
    - Michael Shellenberger